The Stay Fit Circuit Wellness Programs™

For more information about the Stay Fit Seniors® Program, please sign up >>>

Jack LaLanne
To contact Stay Fit Seniors® please call: 800-385-1141

The Stay Fit Circuit Wellness Programs™ are physical activity programs specific to age bands such as seniors, boomers, unconditioned adults, along with specific conditions like obesity and disease states, such as diabetes and heart disease.

The Stay Fit Seniors® Program and the Stay Fit Circuit Wellness Programs™, have been approved by Healthy Community Development as a programming option to be included in Wellness Resource Networks across the county. A Wellness Resource Network in a community consists of a number of host locations that are providing the same wellness physical activity programs categorized by age-band, disease-state, and specific-condition.  Payers contract with the network to make these host locations available to their populations because of the programming offered and convenient access.

Healthy Community Development or HCD builds Wellness Resource (WRN) for any community sending Wellness Seekers to your door. This means more revenue and more wellness minded individuals in your facility. 
Who is motivating Wellness Seekers to participate in physical activity interventions?
1.  Sponsors are typically health plans and employers.
2.  Fee-for-Service Resellers: high traffic retailers and insurance brokers.
3.  Physicians prescribing interventions for patients.

Wellness is the future, and we present an opportunity to expand the wellness side of your practice/business.  The 2 most successful wellness physical activity programs (by participation numbers) are Silver Sneakers and Curves. Both seniors and women prefer safety and convenience; convenience in driving time, safety in terms of surroundings, social interaction, and program achievement. We all know the demand for senior exercise programming will increase as 77 million boomers turn 65 over the next 20 years starting in 2011. Demand for women only and baby boomer exercise programming will increase as well.

If you believe in wellness for your practice/business, the time is now! Call to see how you can qualify to become part of a Wellness Recourse Network in your area with the Stay Fit Seniors Wellness Program™ and other Stay Fit Circuit Wellness Programs.™

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